Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Quillabamba 6.1.14

Wow sounds like summer is about to be in full swing in the coming days. The kids out of school on thursday? Can`t believe how fast the time flies.

As for us here in Quillabamba... it is ALWAYS summer. For real it is getting really HOT these days. Hace demasiado calor. But we are working are tails off and seeing the blessings.

It hurts me to see that some investigators progress while others don`t.  It is even harder to see that some don`t progress not because they don`t want to, but because some external force makes it impossible! That is the situation that we are facing with Cristina right now. We are slowly losing contact with the family and it is really sad to see how it is all deteriorating. Mostly, her husband is causing the issues, although the family division couldn´t be all his fault, Cristina is so zealous to live the gospel that I think her husband was startled and taken by surprise. His reaction has been disappointing but... we are going to have the faith that they can make it through this trial of faith, that he can gain a testimony and that Cristina can be patient while he makes the decision to change.

Meanwhile, there are many other people who are progressing towards baptism, including our investigator Niels Holland Basurto (I know what a name right? Peruvians are too creative.)  He is preparring himself for the 14 of June! O see, right around the corner!

I received a lot of love this week. Thank you all for the letters and encouragement. Elder Murillo and I are doing very well. This last part of my mission has been a real blessing... I just want to finish strong! But I don`t want it to really be the "end". What a blessing it is to serve the Lord our whole life with all our heart might mind and strength!

Con mucho amor,

Elder Neff

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