Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Quillabamba 5.26.14


I am starting to get a lot of emails from friends giving me words of encouragement about the last stretch of the mission. Thank you for all of your support! Elder Murillo and I are being so blessed during this time. It has been incredible. I couldn`t be happier about where I am serving, who I am with, and most importantly who we are teaching!

This week I have been mostly impressed by how concious the Lord is of his children and their specific needs. We have been visiting a member named Erica with our Ward Mission Leader, at first with the intention of teaching her the restoration and helping her to invite her friends to investigate the church.... I was so surprised about what happened next. We followed up the first appointment that we had with her with a plan to watch a gospel video and ask her if she had been able to think about someone in particular. We were mostly interested in helping her to invite her husband to investigate, who isn`t a member and travels a lot for work. During this appointment we began to ask her about her husband, and as we entered into this conversation we could see that it was a touchy subject. She then told us that she really wasn`t married toher husband, and began to talk about how guilty she had felt during the time that she had been living with him. She said that she was about to pick up and leave everything (including the church) because of the pain that she felt about her past choices. I was so stunned... but saw in that moment that the Lord is always concious of the needs of his children. We went to that house with the intention of finding new investigators... not knowing that our purpose for going there was much more important!

We should always be ready to "go to the rescue"! I know that many of god`s children are waiting for us to visit themand bring them comfort in a response to their prayers.

Love you all!

Elder Neff

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