Thursday, March 13, 2014

CUSCO 3.13.14

I am so grateful for all the correspondence that I got! I tried to at least shoot a line out to everyone. I want you to know that I love you all a bunch.

Well, to be 100% honest... we had very little time to work in the sector this week. Actually, up until now we have basically had no time at all so, my coments on prosyleting experiences may be rather limited, but I will try to give you some insight onto how the week went in terms of our traveling and so forth.

We are continuing to check area books and daily planners. This week we finished with Abancay and Andahuaylas, tomorrow we travel to Sicuani to finish up the mission tour and that will be about 117 companionships interviewed!

The honest truth is that "checking" area books sounds a little rough and it isn´t at all like that. We aren´t "checking" them in the sense that we are finding falts in the missionaries work with the area books and agendas, it is more like a learning opportunity for them to better comprehend how they can use these missionary tools more effectively. The truth is that ALL of the missionaries have good hearts and want to learn how to better serve. I made a joke to my companion and said, "los misioneros simplemente no conocen la verdad porque no saben donde hallarla!" ;) Which, was totally a joke but turned out to be true when we realized that there was actually a good amount of us who didn´t know how to use these things! So we train so that we don´t get frustrated and can know how to be great missionaries. Preach my Gospel missionaries!

Everytime we travel to Andahuaylas... something goes wrong. I am sure that any one of you would have had a heart attack if you would have seen the road that we had to take from Abancay to Andahuaylas. The main road was blocked off by a land slide so we went up this windy mountain road which I liked to call.... La trocha de la muerte. (the dirt road of death) Literally death because if you go off the edge you fall.... a long ways, to your death. ( But I am obviously writting so don´t worry there weren´t any deaths this time ;) And the worst part is that there are SEMI TRUCKS that are passing us on this road. The views are pretty neat though, (if you aren´t looking down....)

Well family, that looks like all for this week because my time is almost up. I love you all soo much and hope that you liked the personal shout outs! If you aren´t one of the special ones that got the personal messages... I´m sorry I love you too.

Elder Neff

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