Tuesday, June 4, 2013

SICUANI 6.3.13

Queridos familiares y amigos....

I LOVE you all so much! And am grateful for the opportunity to write you today. 
I was doing some thinking about what I could send to you today... we had some wonderful experiences this week... all of which helped me to have a better focus about my time as a missionary and the blessings the Lord has given me as I have dedicated this time to his service. 

The first would be what happened this thursday when we got up in the morning... I went to go and fill my water bottle with water from the outside sink that is between our bedroom and the bathroom. To my surprise, whenI turned on the faucet brown water came out.... I started having terrible visions of months in Izcuchaca practically with out water flash through my mind....

and I was absolutely right there is NO WATER on our side of the river in Sicuani and they predict that it will be like that for almost the entire month of June. 
Obviously we aren´t dying, and we can get water when the fire man come around with giant tanks that they sell in all the home improvement stores in Cusco, but WOW it has been a super interesting experience. 
Dad! They need a good civil engineer in Sicuani, we would love it if you would come down and manage the construction project to change the ENTIRE MAIN PIPELINE that runs down the main street in Sicuani. Just remember that perhaps you wont have a lot of heavy equipment and a lot of workers who dont have experience changing pipelines. ;)

This experience helped us reflect on a lot of things. One of them remembering the good old days listening to Elder Harmon sing "I must go to fech the water" from the jungle book.... as we went the few sites in the city where you could find water. 

I started to think how much people stress to have their temporal needs met and how that compares to their needs to have their spiritual needs met. I did a lot of thinking... and realized that the people knew where to find the water that they needed to meet their physical needs, but often have no idea where to find the "living water" that Christ talked about.  The calling to share the gospel is unique and wonderful, I spend every week here in Sicuani trying to find people who will partake of the living water, and also help the missionaries in the zone improve in their ability to do the same. 

I love the Lord and know that He lives. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that it will bring us closer to Him than any other book. I am not ashamed of the gospel, and I try every day to be even less ashamed to live it with all of my heart might mind and strength. Thank you for you love and support! I will talk to you all next week.
Elder Neff

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