FAMILY! Pls dont be angry that the email came a little late.... today we had a very exciting p-day that was super relaxing and fun, but we changed the zone study to the afternoon and then, realizing that we had a TON of family home evenings planned ran to get to all of them and now I am just barely getting to write all of you. As a zone leader I get one hour to use the computer because i have to write president for email and send the key indicators of the zone to the assistants... I have been trying to use this time very conservatively, and have tried really hard to still be very obedient to the 30 minutes rule we have here in the mission to write to our families. ( WOW AMIGOS! Thank you all for the letters! How cool it is that we can communicate so easily. Elder Hollingshead, Elder Anderson y da BRO SQUAD, mike dial, Beth CONGRATS ON YOUR DECISION!!!!! YOU WILL BE DA BEST! and yes I am the best publicity coord. ever...) my mission is well, the best mission in the world! But, sadly, we also have strict rules concerning the internet. It makes me sad that missionaries are disobedient at times even in the small things, and that this can hurt those who try to be obedient. I can only send one email a week :´( BUT! luckily i can include as many recipients as i would like. Yes that will continue to include all of you.... I have thought up some sneaky ways of getting to talk to you all personally, like adding attachments and stuff... and maybe I will try it, but more than anything I am comitting to write some letters... expect it all of you in the coming months. p.s. I just listened to " waving flag/when i get older" (i forgot the name) But in SPANISH (of course i didnt listen to it because I wanted to... it was playing in the internet cafe, but it was still kinda cooooooooo) The work continues to progress wonderfully here in Sicuani. I love the progress that the investigators and members are making.... and maybe more than anything, that i have the wonderful chance to make progress with all of them! What do I mean by that? As missionaries, we invite persons to live the gospel by keeping comittments, we invite them to pray, read the book of mormon, keep the sabath day holy etc. etc. Extending comittments has taught me so much about my personal progress in the gospel and how the Lord, really does give us amazing blessings as we choose to be obedient even though the situation seems to tell us that the outcome would be something else. Did you read the Liahona about Pres. Lorenzo Snow? There is also a talk about discerning the importance between the wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God, that both are very valuable when used in harmony and with.... well wisdom haha. I think the biggest lesson that I learned is that, at times, the wisdom of the world will be in direct opposite of the wisdom of the world, and there we have to make our decision to follow God. About 30 min ago i was teaching a family of investigators that are the best people (oh and p.s. yes we comitted them to baptism for the end of April... I was obvi going to put a specific date but they have to get married so we need to work a little with that.... now we have TWO couples we are going to marry and baptize :). They have trouble coming to church... well I was very pleased when the spirit pushed me to talk about faith, and the importance of putting the wisdom of God before the wisdom of the world. (Personal study is a true treasure if you dont study personally especially in your mission you are very foolish) I could apply exactly what I learned to them, and they understood! And they accepted the invitacion to asist faithfully to church. Not much more to say.... so many stories, but I cant talk about all of them in such a short time, some cool pics are coming your way! from Various p-days atras. I love you all.... chuño and chicharon de alpaca is the best combinacion of food in the whole world. I will hug a llama for all of you cuties. Que Dios les bendiga y que oren siempre a vencer a satanás.... y por favor envíenme más SRIRACHA porque ya está acabando.... En realidad es un gran bendición tenerlo porque es RICO!!!!!!! Y porque ayuda matar tantos bichos que tengo en mi cuerpo... aúnque por fin estemos teniendo una relación simbiotico... creo que me dan diarea... y estoy felice por que el señor me ama. Os Quiero... que estén bien en cada momento. Elder Neff
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Sicuani 3.18.13
FAMILY! Pls dont be angry that the email came a little late.... today we had a very exciting p-day that was super relaxing and fun, but we changed the zone study to the afternoon and then, realizing that we had a TON of family home evenings planned ran to get to all of them and now I am just barely getting to write all of you. As a zone leader I get one hour to use the computer because i have to write president for email and send the key indicators of the zone to the assistants... I have been trying to use this time very conservatively, and have tried really hard to still be very obedient to the 30 minutes rule we have here in the mission to write to our families. ( WOW AMIGOS! Thank you all for the letters! How cool it is that we can communicate so easily. Elder Hollingshead, Elder Anderson y da BRO SQUAD, mike dial, Beth CONGRATS ON YOUR DECISION!!!!! YOU WILL BE DA BEST! and yes I am the best publicity coord. ever...) my mission is well, the best mission in the world! But, sadly, we also have strict rules concerning the internet. It makes me sad that missionaries are disobedient at times even in the small things, and that this can hurt those who try to be obedient. I can only send one email a week :´( BUT! luckily i can include as many recipients as i would like. Yes that will continue to include all of you.... I have thought up some sneaky ways of getting to talk to you all personally, like adding attachments and stuff... and maybe I will try it, but more than anything I am comitting to write some letters... expect it all of you in the coming months. p.s. I just listened to " waving flag/when i get older" (i forgot the name) But in SPANISH (of course i didnt listen to it because I wanted to... it was playing in the internet cafe, but it was still kinda cooooooooo) The work continues to progress wonderfully here in Sicuani. I love the progress that the investigators and members are making.... and maybe more than anything, that i have the wonderful chance to make progress with all of them! What do I mean by that? As missionaries, we invite persons to live the gospel by keeping comittments, we invite them to pray, read the book of mormon, keep the sabath day holy etc. etc. Extending comittments has taught me so much about my personal progress in the gospel and how the Lord, really does give us amazing blessings as we choose to be obedient even though the situation seems to tell us that the outcome would be something else. Did you read the Liahona about Pres. Lorenzo Snow? There is also a talk about discerning the importance between the wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God, that both are very valuable when used in harmony and with.... well wisdom haha. I think the biggest lesson that I learned is that, at times, the wisdom of the world will be in direct opposite of the wisdom of the world, and there we have to make our decision to follow God. About 30 min ago i was teaching a family of investigators that are the best people (oh and p.s. yes we comitted them to baptism for the end of April... I was obvi going to put a specific date but they have to get married so we need to work a little with that.... now we have TWO couples we are going to marry and baptize :). They have trouble coming to church... well I was very pleased when the spirit pushed me to talk about faith, and the importance of putting the wisdom of God before the wisdom of the world. (Personal study is a true treasure if you dont study personally especially in your mission you are very foolish) I could apply exactly what I learned to them, and they understood! And they accepted the invitacion to asist faithfully to church. Not much more to say.... so many stories, but I cant talk about all of them in such a short time, some cool pics are coming your way! from Various p-days atras. I love you all.... chuño and chicharon de alpaca is the best combinacion of food in the whole world. I will hug a llama for all of you cuties. Que Dios les bendiga y que oren siempre a vencer a satanás.... y por favor envíenme más SRIRACHA porque ya está acabando.... En realidad es un gran bendición tenerlo porque es RICO!!!!!!! Y porque ayuda matar tantos bichos que tengo en mi cuerpo... aúnque por fin estemos teniendo una relación simbiotico... creo que me dan diarea... y estoy felice por que el señor me ama. Os Quiero... que estén bien en cada momento. Elder Neff
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