This week... I think that we walked a lot. It may sound odd that this is the first thing that comes to my mind, but we really did walk a lot. The second councilor in the branch lives about 30 minutes off into the "jungle" ( not really jungle but junglely mountain) to the east of our house. It takes us up on a dirt road that is mostly used by little moto taxis, or if you have a little more money, small pick up trucks... all of which fly by breaking the non-existant speed limit and leaving us in a crazy dust cloud. But inspite of all that, we really love the walk because it gives us time to chat as a companionship... something that has really benefited elder Villa and I.We had one particular talk as we were walking that road this week. I was feeling a strong need to talk to him, but wasn´t sure when the moment would present itself. When we are in the city, there are usually many people to talk with... in other words, places to go and people to see, and there are few oportunities for the type of conversation that we needed to have.My companion is a very good person, but has had some difficulties over the whole course of his mission... many of which we are still trying to work on. I wanted to get to the root of all of that to help him to see the way ought of his dilema... especially before he ends his mission (we end together)I won´t speak of details, but I learned a really important lesson this week. We absolutely can never know the real intents or feelings that someone hold is their hearts. Only the Lord knows those things and that is why he asks us to leave the judgement to him and not to ourselves... that is why he asks us to take the beam out of our eye before we even consider worrying about the little sliver that is in our neighbor´s eye. I love the line from the hymn lord, I would follow thee. " in the quiet heart is hidden, sorrow that the eye can´t see".I was able to gain a real love for my companion because I choose to think of how he felt.... it doesn´t mean that we need to find disobedience as acceptable behavior, but we can learn to love another and that gives us the opportunity to minister to others as Christ would do it.Sorry, I know that was perhaps, unspecific, but for me it was the most significant thing that I learned this are the photos!the leaves and the tree.... are the "coca" leaf... . (they make cocaine out of that.... but only bad people here they just chew on it.... which isn´t that great either but its not asbad)My favorite super-glue.... glory to God super glue....
Monday, June 30, 2014
Quillabamba 6.30.14
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Quillabamba 6.23.14
Family! I am going to be writting on a Word document as I wait for the internet to get working… we just got a fiber-optic feed here in Quillabamba about a month ago and the internet changed from super slow to lighting fast! But, it seems like right now there is some trouble with the line and we are reverting to the old, satellite internet…. Let me tell you it´s slower than a tortuga…..
I am learing a lot to say the least with my last companion…. It has been an odd experience knowing that both of us end at the very same time! I feel a little apprehensive about the people we are teaching knowing that, we are going to have to hand them off to another companionship at the end of July… but we are keeping good records and doing our best to be good teachers. This Sunday we had a great experience with a less active member that we are trying to reactivate. We picked him up for church and he came out 100% ready with his white shirt ( I have plans to give him a tie). This is the fourth time he has came to church and it seems to me that he is beginning to have a real conversion. He also took up the courage to have an interview with the branch president and that was a huge step! We checked up on him after church and he just looked happy…. It has been a really big change since we found him back in April. It is really gratifying to see those changes in people. Anthony Medina, our investigator who is going to be baptizedon July 5th is doing great. He´s 17 going on 18 and talks a lot about how he wants to go on a mission. I really admire that. His brother in law is a member but works very far away in a mine in Puno… the take him to far away places because he knows how to blow things up from his experience in the army. Pretty cool right? I wish there were more things to blow up closer to Quillabamba so he could come to church but, oh well. Hopefully this job will end up being temporary rather than permanent! He only comes once every 2 months, but even so has been a wonderful influence on Anthony and the principal reason that he is investigating the church. The Lord prepares people in so many ways!
Last experience that just made me WAY happy this week. We have been working with a few recent converts that are in the age to go on a mission… but haven´t quite worked up the courage to go and talk to the branch president yet. One of them is Fidel. Fidel is a great guy. Only member in his family. He works in a bakery delivering bread every morning to the different stores in Quillabamba. He´s a little guy and really quite shy, but he has a great testimony and wants to do what is right…. I think he just needed a little push to begin his mission papers. Anyway, as church was ending, I saw that he was standing outside the branch presidents office… timidly waiting to speak with him. Then, I suppose giving up on his intent, he started to make a move towards the exit of chapel. I thought to myself, uh uh, your talking to president today! I went and grabbed him and led him to president´s office. Not thinking much of it, we continued proselyting that day. At about 6 we passed by the chapel and saw that the lights were on. We went inside to investigate and saw that 2 young adults from the branch were working on their mission papers! Fidel being one of them. I was soooooo happy! If anyone has the chance to go on the mission, and decides not to, they are making the biggest mistake of their life! It has meant, so much to me.
Well… there you have it, another week in Quillabamba. It is getting hotter…. And dryer. But I am trying to enjoy every minute of it. Edna…. Buy good shoes. Read your scrips every day! Paigey… I am praying for you, john and hazel every day. Dad…. Spanish commentary on world cup games IS HILARIOUS!!!!! I hear it constantly in any given part of town during the day. Mommy, Its OK that you are helping Eden and couldn´t write. We´ll chat next week. Ben and Andy…. Keep going to scout camp because it preps you for fleas, diarrhea, and nasty weather in the mission!
Love you all very much,
Elder Neff

Monday, June 16, 2014
Quillabamba 6.16.14
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Quillabamba 6.9.14
I love the letters that I have been able to read of my friends who are finishing their missions. I am so impressed by their faith and desire to serve God. It makes me want to be a better missionary and reflect on my willingness and desire to serve the Lord... I feel like we can always ask ourselves that question, and even as we come up short have the confidence that our best efforts and full dedication will bring us the blessings of the Lord and make up all the difference.
Training Elder Murillo has been a difficult task. I know that I haven´t mentioned it that often but it truly has. Harder than my time in the mission office or in other leadership positions. In part that has come from a huge desire that I have had for Elder Murillo to be the very best missionary that he can be. I know that he has the same desire even if we both come up short at times. Our progress, however, has been incredible and looking back at our first week here in Santa Ana I come to the realization of just how many things have changed.
I am pleased that I have some good news to report on the people that we are teaching. Niels Holland Basurto is prepared and excited to be baptized this fourteenth of June! The Lord has been to good to us and put many people in our path who were preparred to receive the gospel. Yesterday, as we were teaching Niels two commandments, I was amazed when, after we taught them both and then asked Niels to explain to us in his own words what we had taught, he explained perfectly both commandments and his desire to live them. I thought back on countless investigators that I have taught who have had such trouble understanding or accepting the different gospel principles, and in one moment we find someone who has little or no problem at all in living it.
To finish off, I was thinking a little about the talk that Elder Ballard gave in the last general conference. He talked about how sharing what we learn from Preach my Gospel during our letters home would be a wonderful way to get excited about missionary work and the blessings we can receive as we share the restored gospel with others. This morning I read about our premortal life in Chapter 3 of Preach my Gospel (lesson: The Plan of Salvation). I reflected on the great blessing that we have in this time here on earth to prepare ourselves to be worthy of the blessing that we always wanted, to become like our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ! Anyone is greatly blessed by that knowledge. It brings perhaps most importantly a sense of purpose to our lives that we would be lost without.
I love you all! Thank you for the love and support that you give me every week!
Elder Neff
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Quillabamba 6.1.14
Wow sounds like summer is about to be in full swing in the coming days. The kids out of school on thursday? Can`t believe how fast the time flies.
As for us here in Quillabamba... it is ALWAYS summer. For real it is getting really HOT these days. Hace demasiado calor. But we are working are tails off and seeing the blessings.
It hurts me to see that some investigators progress while others don`t. It is even harder to see that some don`t progress not because they don`t want to, but because some external force makes it impossible! That is the situation that we are facing with Cristina right now. We are slowly losing contact with the family and it is really sad to see how it is all deteriorating. Mostly, her husband is causing the issues, although the family division couldn´t be all his fault, Cristina is so zealous to live the gospel that I think her husband was startled and taken by surprise. His reaction has been disappointing but... we are going to have the faith that they can make it through this trial of faith, that he can gain a testimony and that Cristina can be patient while he makes the decision to change.
Meanwhile, there are many other people who are progressing towards baptism, including our investigator Niels Holland Basurto (I know what a name right? Peruvians are too creative.) He is preparring himself for the 14 of June! O see, right around the corner!
I received a lot of love this week. Thank you all for the letters and encouragement. Elder Murillo and I are doing very well. This last part of my mission has been a real blessing... I just want to finish strong! But I don`t want it to really be the "end". What a blessing it is to serve the Lord our whole life with all our heart might mind and strength!
Con mucho amor,
Elder Neff